About Mila
Let me introduce myself, my name is Mila. I’m the owner of Cupping4Life Holistic Health Center 🙏. I’m originally from Brasil and live in San Diego for the past 20 years.
Cupping4Life was borned out of my struggle with my health, my need to stay healthy.
I studied Tradicional Chinese Medicine for 4 years and have done thousands of workshops related to health. I have been studying health (physical and mental) for the past 15 years!
Why? Because I needed help ❤️ and could not find answers in Modern Medicine. I had to heal myself.
Do you want to see transformation? This is my transformation. Before and after awareness, knowledge and self care.
My body was inflamed for soooooo many years, I was suffering from depression/ anxious/ panic attacks /brain fog and neuropathy, insomnia, bloating sensation, menstrual cramps, vertigo … you name it. I had all. I truly know what is like to live in inflammation for so long… you do not want that … believe me.
It took a while to recover my body and rescue my health. Now I stand tall, clean and full of energy! Can not get better than this. Information is power . Tradicional Chinese Medicine was not enough, I had to dig deeper… lots of self development, self care and of course @medicalmedium protocols. I finally understood the power of detoxification, fruits, vegetables and hydration. A happy body is a clean body with good habits. .
Do not ignore your signs and symptoms, your body needs you and needs you now! Health should be priority, health should be our first choice.
With love